Bradenton Real Estate

February 3, 2010

Multi Tasking, Friend or Foe? … Quantity vs Quality!

multi tasking
multi taskingIn this busy world that we live in, “multi tasking” SEEMS like the only logical way to be productive, to accomplish the many goals that we set for ourselves, and to satisfy expectations and honor our commitments to others.

But what is “multi tasking” and is it really the best way to increase productivity? According to a lot of authoritative sources… trying to “multi task” too many things can actually lead to “burn out,” produce inferior products and services, and… in the end… reduce your productivity… SUBSTANTIALLY!

This video is a humorous visual example of this conclusion!

Makes sense, doesn’t it?! Trying to accomplish many tasks simultaneously requires an individual to “split” their concentration and focus into many pieces to share with multiple actions. Is it possible to perform at your highest level if you’re not giving your best to everything that you do?

Productivity is best served by organization, discipline, and prioritization.

plan your strategy

  • First plan your strategy
  • Then organize your resources and tasks
  • Next prioritize your tasks and goals
  • It’s important to time block and try to stick to the time allotted for each task
  • And finally… PERSIST!

Adopt and master the discipline required to stick to the plan and complete the tasks in order to realize the goals that you’ve set for yourself in the end! And don’t forget! … It’s what you’re working so hard for! … Stop to smell the roses!!
Of course, while you’re smelling the roses… you COULD fertilize the soil, prune the branches,
smile …. Just kidding!


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